Tag Archives: Brownsville Road

Planning for Brownsville Road, One District at a Time

Jackson/Clark Partners and our team from Urban Partners worked with our clients at Economic Development South to share our work to date on market analysis and planning for the Brownsville Road Corridor in Carrick and Brentwood. Our 6 month project will develop a plan to revitalize one of the Pittsburgh area’s longest commercial corridors by focusing on market positioning and improvements in each of 8 distinct commercial nodes along Brownsville Road.

Click here to access our community presentation on the project overview and preliminary findings for each of the 8 Brownsville Corridor Districts. Planning work in one of these key districts – the Dairy District – focuses on leveraging Pittsburgh’s only in-city diary to allow the Colteryahn Dairy to serve as a catalyst for redevelopment, and is already receiving attention in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
